Automation, dispatching and telemetry

Метрологическа станция

Dispatching of solar power station – is an essential part of control and monitoring of equipment operability both on the object and from anywhere in the world.

Dispatching control of inverter substations is carried out by an operator from the main control panel.

Equipment status and failures are displayed on the graphical display unit, by the vizualisation program of technological processes - SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), and Simatic WinCC (Windows Control Center) system, which is run on ОСWindows-platform.

Экран состония инверторной подстанции Экран состояния трансформатора Экран статуса инверторов
Status screen of inverter substation Status screen of a transformer Status screen of inverters
Экран диагностики системы управления Мониторинг поля Экран генерируемых мощностей
Diagnostics screen of the control system Field monitoring Screen of generated capacitance

 Functional capabilities of using of monitoring and dispatching system for solar power station for managerial personnel:

Functional capabilities of using of monitoring and dispatching system for solar power station for station management:

Functional capabilities of using of monitoring and dispatching system for solar power station for station operators:Control of equipment operation of solar power station;

If you are interested in the dispatching and monitoring system for splar power station, contact us by any convenient way for you!

Field monitoring